Sunday, February 24, 2008

Zerg Strategy

Po_Goose here, New zerg strategy i found, looks odd, but if boxer used it it must be good! Its a burrow technique. If someone doesnt have detectors it could be helpful.

Btw welcome Po_Dragon, dragons arent really a water fowl so re-consider your name as only our leader Po_Quail should have the option of a non water fowl name. But its not really my call. Also happy bday tommorow to Po_Duck.


Sunday, February 10, 2008

I Need help with website

Po_Goose here, Im trying to code a custom sc2 template for this website and maybe add a forum or something but I need some help. If you want to help me post your email so i can invite you as an Admin, then go to and download the fansite kit under downloads.


Thursday, February 7, 2008

Match This Friday 8pm

Hey lets have a match this friday at 8:00pm, The (Confed) clan could not make it, so lets do a random match up.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Clan Battle

Po_Goose here, you guys enjoying the new blog? I'll attempt to arrange a match against another SC clan for this Friday night/ Sat or Sunday night.

Note: I will be using a screen recorder to record our next match and I will upload it onto youtube and display it on our blog.

Po_Goose signing out

Po_Crane here
Looking for some matches if you think your n00b enough for me
ya im pretty bad
But I heard from dudders that were having matches on Friday?

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

The Po Clan

Welcome to the Po Clan, We are a Clan of the Game Starcraft, and we play on Brood war North America East Server Our members are the following:

Po_Dragon (name currently in dispute)

We are accepting members, but your account must include Po_ followed by a water fowl. Our clan battles other clans whenever we can. We play on Friday-Sunday (whichever day we can all get on.) So far in clan fights are record is 2-1. We are currently looking for clan battles and facing clans of all strengths.